Sunday, April 27, 2008

Avoiding Stress with Jordan

For me to get a better sleep, the best way is for Seng Chor to take Jordan to bed first. Then, Jordan won’t bug me. Seng Chor and I agreed on this arrangement quite some time ago, and we have practiced this numerous times. Sometimes, Jordan would request me to sleep on the bed. Sometimes, I want to try to sleep early but fail most of the time due to the constant ‘bullying’ by Jordan. Last Thursday, I was really tired. After settling down Jordan with Seng Chor, I went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. I couldn’t remember what time I woke up to go upstairs – probably after midnight. Both father and son were sound asleep.

The next morning, Seng Chor told me that Jordan bugged him twice. Jordan called, “Daddy, Daddy” few times. Twice, Seng Chor replied him, “Do not disturb. Daddy wants to sleep.” After the second time, Jordan didn’t bother Seng Chor anymore and slept on his own. For the past few nights, I have pushed the sofa next to my side of the bed so that Jordan doesn’t fall off the bed. Jordan likes to sleep on my pillow.

Last night, I watched a Korean series with my sister until 1 am plus. Tonight, I decided to update my blog while Seng Chor and Jordan sleep first. There were occasions that Jordan was still wide awake when I went upstairs even after midnight. Seng Chor would be snoozing happily already. Well, then just have to practice patience with Jordan, and entertain him until he knocks off.

Seng Chor and I have planned to get Jordan a single bed soon. It will be placed next to our bed. We will train him to sleep on the single bed, and not to cross over. Hopefully, this will help 3 of us to sleep better.

It’s 12:40 am now. Seng Chor and Jordan should be sleeping by now. Time for me to zzzzzzz too.

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