Friday, July 04, 2008

Web Statistics – June 2008

923 Page View
Page Views - The number of full page views within a given time frame, which represents the number of times a visitor requests a page from your server. A page view differs from a daily unique in that a visitor can register unlimited page views per day, but only one daily unique in one day, no matter how many pages are viewed. This number is the count of full page views, unlike log analyzers. For example, a web page with five images counts as one page view in our product, but may count as 6 'hits' in a log analyzer.

659 Unique Visitors
Visitor - Also referred to as a 'Unique Visitor' or a 'Daily Unique Visitor', this value represents a visitor that comes to your site for the first time in a day. All subsequent visits during the day by the visitor are not considered unique. This differs from a page view in that a single visitor can have one visit per day but many page views during a visit.

500 Monthly Uniques
Monthly Unique Visitor - A visitor that comes to your site for the first time during a calendar month. All subsequent visits during the month by the visitor are not considered a monthly unique visit.

479 New Visitors
New Visitor - A visitor that comes to your site for the first time ever. All subsequent visits or page views by the visitor are not considered an all-time unique visit.

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