Monday, April 16, 2007

Diving = Stress?

Seng Chor has just returned from his annual diving trip with his ex-colleagues. This time they went to Tioman Island – 4 days, 3 nights – Thursday (12/4/07) to Sunday (15/4/07). They left before dawn on Thursday, and arrived home after 9 pm on Sunday.

Few weeks before this trip, I was feeling stressful. Each time before his diving trip, I had to prepare myself emotionally and spiritually. I shared how I felt with the College Ministry Team one week ago. I believed that they have prayed for me. I felt more at peace this time and I was able to cope with Jordan. I made the decision to leave Jordan at the babysitter on Wednesday and Thursday night. So, I didn’t have to send him the morning. Driving is a stress to me. My sister and I picked him up on Friday night. I missed him.

On Friday night, I called Seng Chor, and Jordan had a brief ‘conversation’ with his Daddy. He called him Daddy a few times on the phone. He called him sweetly. It must have melted Seng Chor’s heart.

First kiss.
Before he slept, as usual, he would move all over the bed. I was prompting him to kiss me, and he finally did. It was so unexpected. So touching. He gave me another kiss again in the morning.

Saturday was his 16th month Birthday. He was rather sticky in the morning and night. I had to carry him on and off. The same thing happened yesterday. So, this morning, I woke up with aches on my legs and my right arm. It was worth it. I didn’t feel stressful, just a bit tired.

Once again, I thank God for giving me the strength, patience and love to care for Jordan. I appreciate the visit (cum dinner) from Yoke Kheng, Tracy, Kenny and Kevin on Saturday. Uncle Wing Cheong called up to find out how I was doing. It’s just wonderful to be part of the BUC family.

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