By faith, I took Jordan to the church Prayer Advance at Kundang, Rawang on Friday night. We left in Hok Seng’s car together with Lai Leng. Seng Chor couldn’t make it because of a company training over the weekend. I almost decided not to go because I know that it would be tough taking care of Jordan on my own. I was praying that Jordan would behave extremely well and that I would not need to move around too much. Well, ‘extremely’ is a high expectation. I told myself that it would be better than placing him at the babysitter. I am willing to pay the price, and I did it with God’s strength and the support from the rest of the church members. Praise the Lord!
We arrived Rawang around 8 pm for dinner. We met up with Elder Chris, Dolly, Aaron, Yoke Kheng and Kenny. It was a wonderful dinner. Jordan enjoyed it as well. Yoke Kheng helped me to feed him with some rice and fish. It was just a snack for Jordan because he already had his dinner at the babysitter.
Then, we travelled to the MBS Recreation Center at Kundang, about 15 minutes from Rawang. Jordan and I didn’t join the first session. We stayed in the Chalet together with Dolly, Lai Leng and Yoke Kheng. There were 2 single beds, one double bed with an upper deck. Dolly and Lai Leng slept on the single beds. Yoke Kheng slept above us.
I brought my notebook for Jordan to watch his DVD. After settling down, he slept before 12 midnight. It was a good start.
Second Day at KundangJordan woke up at almost 9 am. He had a good breakfast. Basically, he ate non-stop from morning till night. He watched a few Children Bible stories DVD. I will post more of him in his blog.
I managed to listen and share my views during some of the sessions. In between, I had to entertain Jordan’s demands. He was almost unmanageable during lunch. But eventually, he sat down and ate some chicken.
I was upset with him once. It happened in the evening. After cleaning him from his ‘big business’, I carried him to the sink to wash his hands. He wanted to play with the water non-stop. I was trying to stop him and get him to obey. He was so stubborn. I think the situation was rather tensed for about 5 – 10 minutes in the bathroom. I even shook him. I think I spanked him and he cried for awhile. Yet, he still insisted in playing with the water. In the end, I gave up and gave in to his demand. He was satisfied. I was so frustrated with his stubbornness and disobedience.
Later on the way to dinner, I asked him to say, “Sorry, Mummy” and he did. I told him that I was angry with him. He may not understand but at least he is learning to apologise. This is not the first time that I’ve asked him to say sorry. Most of the time, he is willing to say.
We went back to the same restaurant as the previous night for dinner. Kenny helped me to entertain Jordan. We assisted him twice to do his ‘small business’ – once in the toilet and the second time outside the restaurant. Jordan complained that the toilet is dirty! So, he didn’t want to pee in the toilet the second time. Gosh! I was surprised with his behaviour and his view on cleanliness. Amazing!
After dinner, we ate durian. Jordan loves it. Poor Kenny had to carry him and eat at the same time. Thank you, so much Kuya Ken.
It was 10:30 pm when we returned to the chalet. Jordan and I didn’t join the prayer session. As usual, he watched his DVD and slept before midnight. I had to persuade him a few times to off all the lights. Sigh!
Third Day at KundangSadly, Jordan woke up before 5:30 am. He wanted to pee. Again, he wanted to play with the water, and didn’t want to return to bed. He insisted that the lights be turned on. I struggled with him for at least 10 minutes. I ignored his demand and let him cry. I repeatedly told him to go to sleep. He refused. I spanked him a few times with the comb. He still didn’t want to listen and kept on asking me to turn on the lights. Eventually, Yoke Kheng woke up and took him outside for a walk. When he returned, he still wanted the lights to be on. We gave up. So, he was allowed to watch his DVD.
I didn’t bother him much in the morning. The rest of the church members joined us for worship that morning. So, more ‘babysitters’ came to take care of him – Roy Lim, Lai Leng, Valerie and Sahaya.
The only time I spent with him was during lunch. But he hardly eats anything. Sahaya played with him most of the time. He even dipped Jordan in the pool – just the lower part of his body.
Then, it was time to leave for home. We took a lift from Yoke Kheng. Before we even reached Rawang, Jordan fell asleep. He slept until 5 pm. Phew!
Worship at KundangI was seeking for peace and I found it. I hardly share during congregation worship but that Sunday morning, I felt that I need to honour God for what He has been revealing to me.
By faith, I went to the Prayer Advance. Though some experiences with Jordan were not pleasant but God gave me the strength and the patience. Most of all, love for Jordan. God allowed Jordan to wake up so early for a purpose. God is asking me to rely on his strength. The first song during worship confirmed it –
You are my strength
Strength like no other
Strength like no other
Reaches to me
Passion World Tour was on that day, and I was going. Again, I just went ahead with the original plan and worshipped God. I had a fantastic time despite having lack of rest. There will be more of this in my next post.
I wept during the ministry time. Hok Seng prayed for all the lecturers. I was the first one he prayed for. Tears just flowed. Then, the lecturers prayed for the students. Hok Seng came over to pray for me again. He assured me of God’s promises. God has given me the answer to my prayer, and I know. I know it. I just wept. Dolly lent me her shoulder to cry on. I haven’t wept that much since Aunty Luan passed away.
I was once again being ministered by the church intercessors. Peace was assured. Everything will be fine.
I haven’t been specific about what I am going through. It is not the right time to reveal. Ultimately, God’s name will be glorified.
Praise the Lord!